I've been pretty bored with my game lately. If I even play at all, I usually minimize the game (I play in windowed mode) and surf on the internet until my sims need a motive boost. Build/buy projects are stale, CAW projects are frustrating, and I hate missing all the little nuances in the actual gameplay that other players capture so beautifully. So, what is there to do?
New world + new sim = new challenge!
I was browsing Fresh Prince's website when I came across this hairstyle. Absolutely perfect for a Jersey Shore type douchebag, right? I thought so. I'm not sure where I'll be going with this, but I hope you'll join me on this overly-bronzed journey.
And so, with the click of a button (and the click of a few more buttons), Johnny Gold was born.
Johnny Gold:
Traits: Athletic, Inappropriate, Party Animal, Slob, Commitment Issues
Favorites: Tri-Tip Steak, Electronica, Red
LTW: Heartbreaker
Theme Song: Who's Johnny - DeBarge
Chapter 1: The D-bag of BlueVille Island
Chapter 2: Johnny, Bravo!
Chapter 3: Gettin' Some
Chapter 4: Not Quite Steady
Side Stories: (on The Sims Daily)
Suntan Gold: The Adorkable Wonder Dog